Crime Gives Rise To Poverty

Often times “poverty” is said to be one of the main reasons for crime and violence. But poverty is a situation and not a condition, hence should not be blamed for such.

Instead, the reverse should be used, “Crime gives rise to poverty”. Wherever crime rates are high the poverty level usually complements it, since resources are depleted in order to correct whatever condition or situation crime has incurred.

-Hillary Senior

The Great Big God

A support structure is something that is very new to me. However, it was only recently I realised that I have been giving such to others even though I did not receive any until I met my ex-husband and his family.

So even though the marriage did not work I can honestly and proudly say that he and his family were the first support system in my life. They have contributed to my emotional and social stability today. If GOD did not intervene in my life when HE did I would not the who I am today!

No longer do I sit and think of all those whose plan was to destroy my life (some of whom are still trying) as they cannot believe that I could be anything other than what they set out to make of me.

Even today the person who should have my back is the one who is still trying to turn everyone against me. But it certainly going in my favour. Thanks be to GOD!

-Hillary Senior

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood pioneers have certainly left a legacy for the generations that followed after them. These individuals have contributed significantly to our education today and in also in several ways.

One does not need to be an educator to be interested in Early Childhood Development because it impacts on each and everyone. Those of us who are parents or caregivers can learn tremendously of techniques and strategies to use to ensure that our children get the best early education.

Caring and providing for a children have a life-time effect, whether you did a good or lousy job. Therefore it should be everybody’s business to get involved in the early childhood education of newborns through to primary and elementary school.

This stage of children lives is the building of their future. A future that will have an impact on societies to come. Why not make it a positive one?

Let us join hands and heart in educating children in a positive way. Whether they are ours, the neighbours, relatives or family members or just those in our community.

-Hillary Senior

Ignorant Parents

Many parents are of the view that sending their children to church and school is doing the child a big favour! Our children are of no obligation to take care of us when we did not equip them with skills so function appropriately in society let alone to earn a living. 

When we send them to church, do we even try to find out what they have learnt? Or better yet do we tell them why we send them and we do not go?

Yet we question that about the God that they serve, when in fact they serve whatever we taught them to serve!

Before we curse our very own children, let us check ourselves to ensure that it is validated!

Remember that parents are responsible for their children’s behaviour, be it good or bad!

-Hillary Senior

Parents/Adult Abuse

My childhood days were the worst of all my years of living not even separation between my husband and I was as painful as those childhood days. When my peers would talk about their parents and jobs they wanted, I would only listen. My only thoughts were to grow up and go on my own.

Money was not something I was privileged to think of since the adults whom I knew had plenty of it, used it to gain power to use or control those without.

Considering the manner in which my “family” socialised me I think I did well and more so now. Others have made me aware even before I knew it.

Now, as a counsellor in training I have so much I want to give to individuals to help to make their lives better and especially the abused, since this was what was handed down to me the most. ABUSE!

When I look back into those earlier years, I believed that my Primary school teachers knew that I was not happy but were not equipped with the know how to investigate.

Teachers, we have a role to play in protecting our children! In fact it is a responsibility! We owe it to ourselves and society.

The child you abuse, watched being abused or know of to be abused, may be the adult who marry some relatives of ours! And the cycle may very well continue!

-Hillary Senior

Untrustworthy Family Members

The family is said to be the cornerstone of society. I believe this also includes relatives such as aunts, uncles, cousins and in-laws. When our young children cannot be left with these persons and return to us unmolested, is the family really the cornerstone of society?

Imagine a young couple whose son was in the hospital for a week left their female infant with a family household of “christians”. The husband instructed the wife that the child must not be left there, but the wife being so naive went against his orders. The wife left the child there because she had forgotten that she (the wife) was also molested by a members of the same household.

While showering the child the following morning after collecting her baby from the home and drying her vagina, the child said, “eat it”. The mother  said that she was so frightened that she shouted at the child and then called the father in.

His response was, “you are not going to find out who did it now”. The mother said that for years the child would go by herself and behave as if she is having sex.

The young lady said the worse part of it is that this household of family members behave as if they are everything that is good. I believe that such a household needs counselling urgently!

However, she believes they are in denial and will not accept and that if anyone suggest it they would turn against such person.

Parents be extremely cautious when you leave your child with anyone. If you have to do so, question on a regular basis and do so in a friendly tone! Very important to watch their behaviours too!

-Hillary Senior

Early Childhood Education

The family is the corner stone of any society, hence, early childhood education which is first executed by parents/caregivers during the first three years of a child life will certain have a life- time impact.

Such knowledge should cause a pivotal turn in the way in which us parents socialise our children, purposefully or otherwise. We can no longer wait until they begin basic or infant schools because when they do so they will be building on what they have received at home.

Let us refrain from waiting until individuals get in trouble with the law or play-out the negative experiences they have received onto others.

-Hillary Senior

Child Abuse

Child abuse is said to be on the increase. However, I believe that it has been going on for many years, but because many states have now put measures in place to curb it and we now have the media to publicise these acts, is the reason why it seems to be on the increase.

 Here is a story of a young lady’s experience:

She did not grew up in a stabled home but was from home to home of different family members. She strongly believed that her mother despised her even until this day.

Her mother never reported anything good about her and so on one occasion when she reported some lies to a prominent business man, he decided to play out the report.

After making the report she asked him to take her (the daughter) to her father’s home and he promised to. But the man detoured and took the young lady to his home first where he had sex with her and even attempted to introduce oral sex.

The young lady knew that she could not share it with her mother because she would scandal her and even endangered her life.

The young lady was only 15 years old when this took place.

-Hillary Senior


Do Unto Others as You Have Them Do You

“Today fi mi, tomorrow fi you”, is a very old saying from Caribbean ancestors. This is so true. Often times when individuals whom we do not like gets into trouble we say all sort of negative things about such a person.

But when the “tables turn” even if others do not say anything at all, that is neither negative or positive our conscience bothers us so much, we pick on innocent persons.

-Hillary Senior